Overview The Kingdom of Anglain Dominions (K.A.D.) is a recognised Constitutional Sovereignty inspired by the want for Freedom from Persecution, Taxation, Fear, Racism and Terrorism. Within the K.A.D. there is total Religious Freedom, although there is an Anglain Church. The K.A.D. is run under the principles that any Citizen has an equal chance to rise up into a position of high status and power. (See the route to Success)That anyone can become an Ambassador, Arch Bishop, General of the Army, Lord or Foreign Secretary.That every Citizen has a part to play in the country. A Citizen of K.A.D. does not have to live in a Certain place but in any country as we issue joint Citizenship. There are no Taxes in activation in K.A.D. and K.A.D. Industry is Promoted in K.A.D. and all over the world. K.A.D. has a Military whose job it is to serve and protect K.A.D. Citizens and Industry. K.A.D. Foreign Policy is conducted in accordance with firm strategic considerations. As K.A.D. grows more territory will be Claimed, Brought and come under Protection of K.A.D. The K.A.D. is a Growing Post Modern State & those that join us will share the power we gain in a Free, Unrestricted, Predudice-free environment. .
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